Thursday, June 5, 2008

In Word or Deed

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 (NIV)

Although my calendar shows no earth-shattering schedule, this past week just flew by. Yesterday my dad arrived for a week's visit – the same day I spoke to our Women's Bible Study. Neither of those events should have flustered me but when thrown together, I felt hurried all week. That unsettled feeling left me vulnerable to some doubts and fears whispered by the enemy. "You are not ready, " I knew in my heart that I was prepared to give the message that God had given to me. Yet, Satan wanted to keep me off balance and temporarily succeeded when I got the phone call that the twenty ladies I expected to be there were probably going to be more like forty. Abruptly, my hands grew cold and sweaty, my heart skipped a beat, and I started to rethink my talk. It suddenly became all about me. But, after a quick SOS call to a friend for extra prayers and taking some time to bow my will to the will of my Father's, I felt His peace fill my heart and mind. I am happy to report a demolished enemy as 46 excited ladies arrived to study God's Word and hear His message. Today, I rejoiced when I heard that one of those ladies had taken the truth and put it into practice in a difficult situation with a friend. That is what it is all about…thank you, Lord.

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