Monday, September 18, 2006

Heart Listening

I met a young nurse last week at the hospital while undergoing one of those humiliating tests that are necessary “at this age.” She brightened up the room when she walked in to complete the paper work and prepare me for the doctor. I immediately noticed what a pretty girl she was and as we engaged in the normal chitchat of nurse and patient, our conversation turned to moving and how exhausting it can be. She mentioned that she had moved three times this last year. I expressed my heartfelt sympathy and asked her why? Out poured her story: a divorced mom of two who married young (she is now 28), and through a blind date met her prince charming eight months ago. The romance fast-forwarded through the fairytale engagement party, wedding plans with all the trimmings, yet ended with a broken engagement and the latest move. The wedding date had been set for the day after our conversation. But there were no tears of regret in the eyes of this beautiful girl because she was sure that God was leading her in this decision and He had a better plan for her and her boys. I encouraged her in her step-by-step walk with the Lord and reminded her to share the comfort that God had given her during this difficult time with those she meets in the future. After she left the room, I had several minutes alone before the procedure to think about our conversation and pray for Julie. I rejoice that I listened beyond her words to hear her heart. Thank you, God, for giving me Your flashlight to shine on the way. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)

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