Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cowgirls All

A good man leaves an inheritance [of moral stability and goodness] to his children's children. Proverbs 13:22 (Amplified Bible)
Oh, the excitement of a ten year old. Kate, as my oldest granddaughter, knew the meaning of undivided attention as a little one, but in recent years she assumed the position as "cruise director" for her two sisters and planned all their activities. However, on this trip, life revolved around her and she ate it up. Literally. Whatever she wanted to eat, or do, or see was hers for the asking. We watched more horses in both the parade and the rodeo, ate funnel cake and local barbecue, watched movies from Blockbuster, spent a day doing girl stuff (museum, shopping, lunch), and learned to bake apple dumplings. By the time she was tucked in bed, I was already headed to mine. One of the great pleasures of grandparenting is the ability to lavish love on my girlies without any responsibility for their behavior; that job is up to Mom and Dad. But my heart's desire it to leave an inheritance that is far greater than a sum of money. I want my girls to know my Jesus and with courage and strength from above, to walk in a way that shows them how important it is to follow and obey God. I pray that each grandgirlie will hear me speak kindly, be generous, offer help, show mercy, be a friend, forgive easily, keep short accounts of any wrongs, and know that they can trust God to lead them throughout life's journey. As I watched the plane take off returning its precious cargo, my Kate, to her home, I already missed her. Her love of life filled our house for a few days and brought such joy. She is welcome any time.