Friday, July 23, 2010

Social Networking

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (NLT)

I've always considered myself fairly technologically savvy for someone of my generation. (I found my husband on the Internet so that must say something.) And trying to be up-to-date with the younger set, I have both Twitter and Facebook accounts. Social networking is certainly the current wave but I'm not all that sure that it is the best way to communicate. When was the last time you wrote a real letter to a friend? Does it even matter? But, you can't beat the ease and convenience of checking your account for the latest updates.

One thing I particularly like is reconnecting with people from my earlier days. It is so interesting to me to see how our lives have changed over the years. Nothing stays the same. Marriage, divorce, children, grandchildren, moves across the country, jobs, faith.

I'm going to my 45th High School Reunion this summer because I found friends and started the difficult process of catching up on Facebook. I absolutely wasn't going after going to my 20th, figuring that was enough. But I'm looking forward to it.

This week I found some friends who are sisters and were kids when I was a newlywed. Now one of them has grandchildren. (I think she was 12 when she married.) The other is a speaker and writer.

With the uncertainties of our present day, worry and fear can dominate our thinking. Financial collapse, congressional distrust, social unrest—all contribute to the climate of uneasy change in our world. But, we like security. We want things to stay the same.

Most of us don't have one smidgen of control over world events, let alone the events in our own household. Our anchor must be in the One who never changes, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Remember to turn to Him in moments of doubt and fear. He is always the same.